Online Tutorials

These online tutorials represent the third intellectual output of the Generativity project. They have been designed and developed by Danmar Computer, who assigned to the various partners the implementation of each single tutorial.
The tutorials focus on supporting beginners and professionals to learn, acquire and improve their IT skills in order to succeed in effective and sustainable projects, specifically targeted to the Erasmus+ program.
The tutorials represent the “how-to” materials, an unofficial method often used by open source communities, which proved to be very effective for learning about ICT tools. Special attention is given to security while using ICT technologies for project management. They include a specific explanations on how to use project management tools, providing a direct support in doing all the necessary steps to meet the challenge of a successfull project.
They are available in English with subtitles in all partner languages.
It is possible to collaborate with us by giving feedback on tutorials and modules by registering on the collaborate section of the platform.
This is the list of the available tutorials:
– AdminPorject basic functions (Danmar Computer sp)
– AdminPorject customise (Danmar Computer sp)
– AdminPorject dissemination (Danmar Computer sp)
– AdminPorject evaluation (Danmar Computer sp)
– AdminPorject overview (Danmar Computer sp)
– AdminPorject timesheets (Danmar Computer sp)
– AdminPorject to do list (Danmar Computer sp)
– AdminPorject workspace (Danmar Computer sp)
– Dropbox (FIOpsd)
– Facebook (CARDET)
– Google drive (FEANTSA)
– Twitter (FNARS)
– Openproject part 1 (Diciannove Coop)
– Openproject part 2 (Diciannove Coop)
– Openproject part 3 (Diciannove Coop)
All the tutorials are free and easy to use: you just have to choose the tutorial of your interest by searching through their titles; select the chosen one and watch it. To receive a constant update, please also register to the project youtube page.
Training modules

The training modules created as IO2 of the Generatively project have been designed to strengthen the social and educational communities in a 2.0 environments.
The following six training modules represent an innovative, effective and sustainable guide to Project Cycle Management.
The training modules have been produced to offer an easy-to-understand first touch for the PCM beginners, with practical tips to support on specific issues. At the same time, the exhaustive notes offer the possibilities to improve both the individual and collective skills of those who are already experience. Our goal is to generate and support a wide new generation of third sector organizations int their path to the creation, development and implementation of sustainable and effective European projects.
The training modules are divided in slide and notes: the slides are in English while the notes are in national languages to favor a better knowledge.
They are all in free and easy use: you just have to choose the module of your interest by searching through their titles; select the chosen module; decide if you what to read it online or to download it directly on your IT device.
(download available from January 2018 – register on “collaborate with us” to get fresh update on their publishing)
PCM bibliography

It is now on line the PCM bibliography based on the research on relevant literacy on PCM carried on by Diciannove, Cardet, EEC, Danmar, FNARS and University of Thessaly in order to address the more innovative and efficient support, tools and path to PCM.
The bibliography is the result of a desktop research and sharing of partners methodological references.
We suggest to start from the European Commission guidelines, which are the reference standard for what concern the project management under the Eu programs.
Where possible, there is the link to the authorised web reference.
Generativity: manage it!
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