Best wishes from all the professionals and partner organizations … with our greatest wishes of a happy learning and a happy new projects

All the staff and organizations of the Generativity project offer you the possibility to learn and develop your skills and competences in developing and implementing your project ideas in order to maximize their impact and help you to design effective and sustainable projects.

We consider the six training modules on Project Cycle Management that are available online as our way to wish you a happy learning and a happy new projects.

From January onward the downloadable version of each single module will be available on the project website.

To receive the constant updates on the downloadable modules, please register on the “how to collaborate” link on the project website

Here they are: the six training modules on Project Cycle Management

All the staff and organizations of the Generativity project are proud to launch the online version of the he six training modules on Project Cycle Management in six languages: English, Italian, Polish, Greek, Dutch and French.

The modules cover all the fundamental issues to lead you through a learning path to Project Cycle Management.

These are the main topics:

module 0: introduction to generativity of new effective and sustainable project with the method of Project Cycle Management

module1: financial & programmatic priorities of the EU2020 strategy within various programs

module 2: how to structure an innovative and sustainable project idea

module 3: building an international, national, local partnership

module 4: submission procedures according to the guidelines of the European Commission

module 5: implementation, evaluation, valorization, dissemination, exploitation of project results

It was a great effort for us to implement the modules, and we are proud of the results which we achieved. In the next weeks we will finalize the modules in order for you to freely download them straight on your IT devices.

By offering them online, we take the opportunity to greatly thank all the professionals and the partner organizations that have worked on the implementation of the training modules for their great and valuable work of sharing their skills. A special thanks to the students of the University of Thessaly who tested our work.

Now it is your time: read the modules, and learn how to develop an effective and sustainable project!

To be informed on the forthcoming learning and training results of the Generativity project, please register on the “how to collaborate” link on the project website

Only one more days to the launch of the six training modules on Project Cycle Management

Everything is ready for the launch of the six training modules on Project Cycle Management that will be out tomorrow!

From tomorrow everybody will find online the six training modules on Project Cycle Management in six languages: English, Italian, Polish, Greek, Dutch and French.

The training modules focuses on all the issues which we consider as fundamental to learn how to develop your new project ideas in order to learn how to implement new effective and sustainable projects.

If you don’t want to miss the launch, just register on the “how to collaborate” link on the project website

three … two … one



Few days for the training modules on project cycle management

We are working hard to meet the challenge of disseminating the training modules on project cycle management.

The partners implemented the six training modules out of an original concept of Paolo Brusa and Federica Cadeddu from Diciannove, then we tested them on our staff during a collective LTTA training event. After a precise evaluation about their share the pros-&-cons conducted by Dave Oborne from EEC, we re-worked them in order to maximize their efficacy in term of possible learners. The modules were divided among Diciannove, Danmar Computers, Cardet, EEC, University of Thessaly, KEA: we refreshed some slides; we modified others; we incorporated practical tips and suggestion; and we added notes to each slide to make them even more specific and exhaustive.

Then it came the time for the evaluation by the students of the University of Thessaly.

The last stage was run by Danmar Computers, who edited and refined them to be ready for the IT environment.

As we posted in the news, the Erasmus+ call 2018 is out, and we want to support the wider audience that will be interested in the development of new project ideas.

Three more days and you will find online the six training modules on Project Cycle Management in six languages: English, Italian, Polish, Greek, Dutch and French.

To be the first to receive the online publication of the six training modules, register on the “how to collaborate” link on the project website

let the countdown begins: … three … two …

Erasmus+ 2018 Call published by European Commission

The deadlines, the application details and the 2018 Programme Guide of the Erasmus+ 2018 Call for Proposals are now available online on the E+website.

The available documents are:

The major changes since 2017 include:

  • the budget has been incremented by €.200 million
  • the 2018 focus is set on projects supporting social inclusion (notably of refugees and migrants), as well as preventing radicalisation
  • more opportunities for E+ higher education students to carry out traineeships aimed at gaining digital skills
  • a new „Schools Exchange Partnerships” format under Strategic Partnerships to help schools better finding their way into cooperation projects
  • the action „Sector Skills Alliances” has been reintroduced
  • the funding rules for most actions have been fine-tuned

the deadlines are:

Action Deadline: all 12am CET
KA1 Mobility of individuals in the field of youth 1 February 2018
Mobility of individuals in the field of higher education 1 February 2018
Mobility of individuals in VET, school education and adult education fields 1 February 2018
Mobility of individuals in the field of youth 26 April 2018
Mobility of individuals in the field of youth 4 October 2018
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees 15 February 2018
KA2 Strategic partnerships in the field of youth 1 February 2018
Strategic partnerships in the field of education and training 21 March 2018
Strategic partnerships in the field of youth 26 April 2018
Strategic partnerships in the field of youth 4 October 2018
Knowledge Alliances 28 February 2018
Sector Skills Alliances 28 February 2018
Capacity building in the field of higher education 8 February 2018
Capacity building in the field of youth 8 March 2018
KA3 Meetings between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth 1 February 2018
26 April 2018
4 October 2018
Jean Monnet actions Chairs, Modules, Centres of Excellence, Support to Associations, Networks, Projects 22 February 2018
Sport actions Collaborative partnerships; Small collaborative partnerships; Not-for-profit European sport events 5 April 2018

We remind that before starting the planning and the application process, you should:

  • read all available documents
  • follow the tips contained in the training modules on PCM which will be available soon on this very project-platform

PCM bibliography

It is now on line the PCM bibliography based on the research on relevant literacy on PCM carried on by Diciannove, Cardet, EEC, Danmar, FNARS and University of Thessaly in order to address the more innovative and efficient support, tools and path to PCM. 

The bibliography is the result of a desktop research and sharing of partners methodological references.

We suggest to start from the European Commission guidelines, which are the reference standard for what concern the project management under the Eu programs.

Where possible, there is the link to the authorised web reference.

It is structured in alphabetical order as follow:

→ general references and main guidelines: EU Commission

→ publications in English

→ articles in English

→ publications, articles and link in partners national languages: Italian, French, Polish, Greek and Cyprus

PCM bibliography PDF ( ALL LANGUAGES)

PCM in your Language

Generativity LTTA in Syros – day 5: group-work sessions and summary of Project Cycle Management principles

The fifth and last day of joint staff training event is dedicated to group-work sessions in which participants debate to highlight the main topics which has been learnt during the previous four days, to evaluate the training process and define the eventual improvements and adjustments.

The participants were divided into 3 groups taken as single partnership; each group has a dedicated time to develop a practical project ideas, to define the shape and roles within the partnership-group, and to distribute the relative responsibilities and tasks. Each group mandate is to debate and address the aims and objectives; to identify the activities and sub activities on the basis of a problem tree, and its related solution tree. This exercise leads to the definition of draft project template. The group-work outputs has then been discussed on a plenary session where all participants share the lessons-learnt, and contribute with practical tips and suggestions on the basis of their competences and experiences.

Generativity LTTA in Syros – day 4: „Implementation, evaluation, valorisation, dissemination, exploitation of project results”

Day 4 is dedicated to familiarize with PCM issues related to the implementation of a project proposal. The module 5 focuses on implementation, dissemination, valorization and communicative strategies. All these terms related to concepts which have precise meanings and logical implication within the framework of the development of an effective and sustainable project. The module also enlightens the procedures for the administrative and financial management; to the overview of the eligibility criteria of the cost items for the construction of the estimated budget, with attention to the differences between direct costs, indirect costs, other costs and subcontracting rules. Attention has been dedicated to  the indication on how to navigate between the different forms of financing. The training day closes on tools for monitoring and evaluate the process, the activities and the results.

Generativity LTTA in Syros – day 3: „Building an international, national, local partnership” and „Submission procedures according to the guidelines of the European Commission”

Day 3 is dedicated to the deepening of the module 3 and module 4. The issues at stake in module 3 allow participant to focus on the following themes of Project Cycle Management: the differences between implementation, transfer of innovation and mainstreaming; things to consider when building the transnational dimension: the geographical balance, homogeneous entities, the allocation of responsibilities & operational management; the very central communication and collaboration aspect, with the related suggested ICT available tool. The module 4 is dedicated to the learning specifically dedicated to the submitting process,  with focuses on the variety of forms and attachments, and the required documents to be prepared. Similarly to other days, the participants alternate given lessons on the major aspects from the chairing experts, with roundtable debate with productive answers-to-questions dynamics.

Generativity LTTA in Syros – day 2: „How to structure an innovative and sustainable project idea”

All partners meet for the day 2 of the LTTA training event in Syros, a whole working day dedicate to learn the lessons on how to structure an innovative and sustainable idea. The training focuses on major principles of Project Cycle Management related to the structuring procedures that allow organizations to pass from a project idea to its development into a formal project proposal. The training program leads participants to familiarize to concept such as the analysis of the logical structure of the project intervention; the project cycle management general references; the process to pass from the need analysis to design of the SWOT matrix; the design of the objectives under the SMART matrix and their development into the logical framework to foster an innovative, sustainable, effective project idea.

Participants alternate moment of direct training with roundtable confrontation and share that allow to close the day 2 with feedback that will be further developed to maximize the training offer itself.