Artikelen door teamGenerativity

Exercises to evaluate the lesson-learnt on PCM

According to the plan, after the publication of the bibliography, the six training modules and the tutorials , we are happy to announce that the exercises and tests to support the self-assessement of the lesson-learnt on PCm are now available in all partner languages. As they are strongly linked to the diverse training modules, they are […]

The “module 5 – Project implementation and valorisation of results; finance and budgeting; and monitoring and evaluation” is available in free download.

The Module 5 considers the diverse issues regarding the implementation of the partnership when an application is accepted. Three areas will be considered: first, implementing the project and valorizing (that is, disseminating and exploiting) the results and outputs; second, finance and budgetary control; third, monitoring and evaluation of the project progress and outputs. The “module […]

The “module 4 -Submission procedures according to the guidelines of the EU Commission” is available in free download.

The Module 4 offers a deep focus on the diverse issues relatid to the proposal submission, in order to ensure a successful outcome. The materials has been organized on a three level structure: the first group of slides considers the pre-submission period with useful general and technical guidelines; the second group concerns the application procedure, […]

Exercise Module 0

Module zelftests Een van de belangrijkste doelstellingen van het Generativiteitsproject is mensen inzicht te geven in de activiteiten, acties en praktijken die noodzakelijk zijn om grote, vaak internationale, projecten op te starten en tot een goed einde te brengen. De zelftest voor Module 0 bestaat uit een oefening waarbij met behulp van Project Cycle Management […]

The “module 2 – How to structure an innovative and sustainable project idea” is available in free download.

The Module 2 will guide you to deep the process and the “how to” structure an innovative and sustainable project idea. It includes considerations regarding the analysis of the logical structure of the project intervention using the Project Cycle Management itself. Module 2 is focused on the process of project development: from need analysis to […]

Evaluation required

Following the progress of the implementation, and in conformity with what you have read in the slides, it comes the moment for the evaluation. we therefore invite you to fill in the evaluation questionnaire of the tutorials that you find here …. We thank you in advance for your attention and time: your indications are […]

The “module 1 – Financial and programmatic priorities of the EU2020 strategy within various programs” is available in free download.

This “module 1 – Financial and programmatic priorities of the EU2020 strategy within various programs” deals with financial and programmatic priorities of the EU2020 strategy within various programs. It offers a detailed overview for the factors we need to consider before approaching EU funds; it explores various issues concerning the ways of selecting an appropriate EU funding programme. The “module […]

Video Tutorials are online!

They are finally online the tutorial focusing on IT tools to help you to become more effective on PCM targeted to social interventions: they are a series of “how-to” video materials, a very effective method used by open source communities, which proved to be for learning ICT tools. The tutorials cover the following aspects on how to work with […]