Exercises to evaluate the lesson-learnt on PCM
According to the plan, after the publication of the bibliography,…
19/03/2018/da teamGenerativityThe “module 5 – Project implementation and valorisation of results; finance and budgeting; and monitoring and evaluation” is available in free download.
The Module 5 considers the diverse issues regarding the implementation…
15/03/2018/da teamGenerativityThe “module 4 -Submission procedures according to the guidelines of the EU Commission” is available in free download.
The Module 4 offers a deep focus on the diverse issues relatid…
08/03/2018/da teamGenerativityThe “module 3 – Building an international, national and local partnership” is available in free download.
Module 3 deepens the major aspects related to the selection process…
01/03/2018/da teamGenerativityThe “module 2 – How to structure an innovative and sustainable project idea” is available in free download.
The Module 2 will guide you to deep the process and the "how…
23/02/2018/da teamGenerativityEvaluation required
Following the progress of the implementation, and in conformity…
20/02/2018/da teamGenerativityThe “module 1 – Financial and programmatic priorities of the EU2020 strategy within various programs” is available in free download.
This "module 1 - Financial and programmatic priorities of the…
15/02/2018/da teamGenerativityThe “module 0 -things to know when applying for EU funds” is available in free download.
We are happy to announce that the “Module 0 - Things to know…
08/02/2018/da teamGenerativityVideo Tutorials are online!
They are finally online the tutorial focusing on IT tools to…
26/01/2018/da teamGenerativityBest wishes from all the professionals and partner organizations … with our greatest wishes of a happy learning and a happy new projects
All the staff and organizations of the Generativity project offer…
25/12/2017/da teamGenerativityHere they are: the six training modules on Project Cycle Management
All the staff and organizations of the Generativity project are…
22/12/2017/da teamGenerativityOnly one more days to the launch of the six training modules on Project Cycle Management
Everything is ready for the launch of the six training modules…
21/12/2017/da 19.coop tFew days for the training modules on project cycle management
We are working hard to meet the challenge of disseminating the…
20/12/2017/da 19.coop tErasmus+ 2018 Call published by European Commission
The deadlines, the application details and the 2018 Programme…
30/10/2017/da teamGenerativityPCM bibliography
It is now on line the PCM bibliography based on the research…
01/09/2017/da 19.coop rGenerativity LTTA in Syros – day 5: group-work sessions and summary of Project Cycle Management principles
The fifth and last day of joint staff training event is dedicated…
01/09/2017/da 19.coop tGenerativity LTTA in Syros – day 4: “Implementation, evaluation, valorisation, dissemination, exploitation of project results”
Day 4 is dedicated to familiarize with PCM issues related to…
01/09/2017/da 19.coop tGenerativity LTTA in Syros – day 3: “Building an international, national, local partnership” and “Submission procedures according to the guidelines of the European Commission”
Day 3 is dedicated to the deepening of the module 3 and module…
01/09/2017/da 19.coop tGenerativity LTTA in Syros – day 2: “How to structure an innovative and sustainable project idea”
All partners meet for the day 2 of the LTTA training event in…
01/09/2017/da 19.coop tGenerativity LTTA in Syros – day 1: “overview on the financial and programmatic priorities of the EU2020 strategy”
the LTTA short term staff training event started successfully…
01/09/2017/da 19.coop t12-16 June 2017 Short-Term Joint Staff Training Activity on Project Cycle Management.
Between Monday 12th and Friday 16th June 2017 all partners meet…
01/09/2017/da 19.coop tWorkshop at FEANTSA European conference
On may 18 Generativity project has been presented at the FEANTSA…
01/09/2017/da 19.coop tGenerativity workshop at FEANTSA European conference
During the forthcoming FEANTSA European conference that will…
13/05/2017/da 19.coop rnew utilities available on the platform
this platform is now linked with the main sources of information…
28/03/2017/da 19.coop rworking on iO1
the project keeps on its working program. The platform you are…
28/12/2016/da 19.coop rKoM in Torino
the project Generativity starts with a two days steering meeting…
05/10/2016/da 19.coop rReady for generativity
“Generativity: manage it!” is a project that responds to…
28/09/2016/da 19.coop rGenerativity: manage it!
Il presente progetto è finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione Europea. L'autore è il solo responsabile di questa pubblicazione (comunicazione) e la Commissione declina ogni responsabilità sull'uso che potrà essere fatto delle informazioni in essa contenute.
Project number: 2016-1-BE01-KA204-016279
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