Exercises to evaluate the lesson-learnt on PCM
According to the plan, after the publication of the bibliography,…
19/03/2018/door teamGenerativityThe “module 5 – Project implementation and valorisation of results; finance and budgeting; and monitoring and evaluation” is available in free download.
The Module 5 considers the diverse issues regarding the implementation…
15/03/2018/door teamGenerativityThe “module 4 -Submission procedures according to the guidelines of the EU Commission” is available in free download.
The Module 4 offers a deep focus on the diverse issues relatid…
08/03/2018/door teamGenerativityThe “module 3 – Building an international, national and local partnership” is available in free download.
Module 3 deepens the major aspects related to the selection process…
01/03/2018/door teamGenerativityThe “module 2 – How to structure an innovative and sustainable project idea” is available in free download.
The Module 2 will guide you to deep the process and the "how…
23/02/2018/door teamGenerativityEvaluation required
Following the progress of the implementation, and in conformity…
20/02/2018/door teamGenerativityThe “module 1 – Financial and programmatic priorities of the EU2020 strategy within various programs” is available in free download.
This "module 1 - Financial and programmatic priorities of the…
15/02/2018/door teamGenerativityThe “module 0 -things to know when applying for EU funds” is available in free download.
We are happy to announce that the “Module 0 - Things to know…
08/02/2018/door teamGenerativityVideo Tutorials are online!
They are finally online the tutorial focusing on IT tools to…
26/01/2018/door teamGenerativityBest wishes from all the professionals and partner organizations … with our greatest wishes of a happy learning and a happy new projects
All the staff and organizations of the Generativity project offer…
25/12/2017/door teamGenerativityHere they are: the six training modules on Project Cycle Management
All the staff and organizations of the Generativity project are…
22/12/2017/door teamGenerativityOnly one more days to the launch of the six training modules on Project Cycle Management
Everything is ready for the launch of the six training modules…
21/12/2017/door 19.coop tFew days for the training modules on project cycle management
We are working hard to meet the challenge of disseminating the…
20/12/2017/door 19.coop tErasmus+ 2018 Call published by European Commission
The deadlines, the application details and the 2018 Programme…
30/10/2017/door teamGenerativityPCM bibliography
It is now on line the PCM bibliography based on the research…
01/09/2017/door 19.coop rGenerativity LTTA in Syros – day 5: group-work sessions and summary of Project Cycle Management principles
The fifth and last day of joint staff training event is dedicated…
01/09/2017/door 19.coop tGenerativity LTTA in Syros – day 4: “Implementation, evaluation, valorisation, dissemination, exploitation of project results”
Day 4 is dedicated to familiarize with PCM issues related to…
01/09/2017/door 19.coop tGenerativity LTTA in Syros – day 3: “Building an international, national, local partnership” and “Submission procedures according to the guidelines of the European Commission”
Day 3 is dedicated to the deepening of the module 3 and module…
01/09/2017/door 19.coop tGenerativity LTTA in Syros – day 2: “How to structure an innovative and sustainable project idea”
All partners meet for the day 2 of the LTTA training event in…
01/09/2017/door 19.coop tGenerativity LTTA in Syros – day 1: “overview on the financial and programmatic priorities of the EU2020 strategy”
the LTTA short term staff training event started successfully…
01/09/2017/door 19.coop t12-16 June 2017 Short-Term Joint Staff Training Activity on Project Cycle Management.
Between Monday 12th and Friday 16th June 2017 all partners meet…
01/09/2017/door 19.coop tWorkshop at FEANTSA European conference
On may 18 Generativity project has been presented at the FEANTSA…
01/09/2017/door 19.coop tGenerativity workshop at FEANTSA European conference
During the forthcoming FEANTSA European conference that will…
13/05/2017/door 19.coop rnew utilities available on the platform
this platform is now linked with the main sources of information…
28/03/2017/door 19.coop rworking on iO1
the project keeps on its working program. The platform you are…
28/12/2016/door 19.coop rKoM in Torino
the project Generativity starts with a two days steering meeting…
05/10/2016/door 19.coop rReady for generativity
“Generativity: manage it!” is a project that responds to…
28/09/2016/door 19.coop rGENERATIVITEIT, WERK ERAAN!
"Dit project werd gefinancierd met de steun van de Europese Commissie in het kader van het Erasmus+ Samenwerkingsprogramma voor innovatie en de uitwisseling van goede praktijken, strategische partnerschappen voor volwassenenonderwijs. Alle publicaties en communicatie hierover weerspiegelen uitsluitend de standpunten van de auteurs en de Commissie kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor enig gebruik dat zou worden gemaakt van de informatie die hierin is opgenomen; Projectnummer: 2016-1-BE01-KA204-016279
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